polar rose造句
- Using their facial recognition Polar Rose applied auto-tagging for users.
- La Polar rose 2.0 percent to 1, 025.00.
- In 2008, Nyholm and Polar Rose were named Technology Pioneers by the World Economic Forum.
- D & S gained 2.1 percent to 652.46 and La Polar rose 2.8 percent to 1, 110.
- Polar Rose had a service that allows users to name people in their photos on photo sharing sites like Flickr and 23hq . com using their Facebook contacts.
- Polar Rose was awarded a World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer Award in 2008 and has won other awards like SIME's 2007 Best Technical Innovation and the Red Herring Global 100 list for 2007.
- By contrast, the various curves such as the Polar Rose, although beautiful, seem too many and randomly chosen; in principle, " every " two-dimensional curve has a polar representation.
- It backed 2008 World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer of the Year Nikolaj Nyholm and his startup Polar Rose, as well as Nyholm's previous start-up Imity ( acquired by social networking site ZYB for an undisclosed sum in April of that year ).
- The Polar Rose website and related add-ons for Firefox and Internet Explorer allowed users to put names to the faces of people whose photographs appear on the web, and to then find other pictures of the same individuals; however, as of May 20, 2009, use of the plugins was discontinued in favor of a purely web-based interface.
- "' Morten Lund "'( born 3 April 1972 ) is an entrepreneur based in Copenhagen, Denmark who has founded or co-invested in more than 100 high-tech start ups in the last 15 years, including Skype, ZYB, Zecco . com, Polar Rose ( facial recognition ), Maxthon, Bullguard, Tradeshift, AirHelp, Itembase, LundXY and OnlyXO . He was also a co-founder and managing partner of LundKenner, a venture capital firm focusing on technology ventures.
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